Izrada i održavanje šumskih/poljskih/protupožarnih cesta
We build new and maintain all types of macadam roads.
Building and maintaining roads on stone surfaces is performed by using the technology of a tractor with stone crusher, on dirt grounds we perform a filling with a rock mass, while on low-bearing soils we install geotextile.
We level the prepared surface with a road grader making a desired slope, we install strainers on road ascents and finally we go over with a strong vibrating road roller. Large ascents on rocky grounds that do not have binding particles in them are concreted to make them last longer.
The advantages of the stone crusher technology that can be used where there is enough rock mass instead of gravel backfill are numerous; less use of quarries (environmental advantage), recycling of existing material on site (financial advantage) and on a professional level, this technology is at the forefront by homogenizing the material, which is especially important on roads built on hilly configuration.